33 Social Work programs found
- Social Sciences
- Social Work
33 Social Work programs found
American International Theism University
Doctor of Psychology in Grief Counselling
- Englewood, USA
Full time, Part time
1 year
Distance Learning, On-Campus
American International Theism University has something for everyone. Now with our Accelerated Degree Programs, you can complete your Master’s or Doctorate Degrees in up to three years. Each course offers six credit hours and lasts for six weeks. Let your hard work and dedication pay off by achieving your degree in half the time. Enrollment is open, and students may begin the program at any time. All courses take place in classrooms, with a faculty member that provides one-to-one mentoring. Students also have free access to our comprehensive Study Tactics and Resources Center, which offers links to subject-related websites, libraries, articles, and research assistance.
Breyer State Theology University
Ethereal Doctor of Psychology in Grief Counseling
- Online
Full time
1 year
Distance Learning
BSTU offers 6 Ethereal Programs in Business and Grief only. Old programs have been discontinued. Our educational programs prepare students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in the categories of ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work.
University of Kentucky Online
Doctorate of Social Work
- Lexington, USA
Full time, Part time
4 semesters
Distance Learning
The University of Kentucky's online DSW degree prepares master's level practitioners to address the diverse needs of our times.
Christian Leadership University
Doctor of Christian Counseling (Online)
- Orlando, USA
Full time, Part time
Distance Learning
Are you confident that you are ministering to the deep heart needs of your clients, or do you sometimes feel like you are just putting on Band-Aids to cover festering wounds? Wouldn’t you like to know that your clients have been cleansed and healed by experiencing the loving touch and compassionate words of the Wonderful Counselor Who alone can touch those deepest places within? If so, then a Doctoral Degree in Christian Counseling from Christian Leadership University is exactly what you’ve been searching for.
University of Johannesburg
PhD in Social Work
- Johannesburg, South Africa
Full time
3 years
The Doctoral program entails a substantial piece of independent research that contributes something new to theory or practice in the field of social work. The program assists you in becoming an expert in a particular facet of social work. We have four Doctoral supervisors with a diverse range of expertise, including clinical social work, community development, developmental research, econometrics, gender-based violence management, occupational social work, poverty, resilience, social development, social policy, social security, and youth transitions.
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
D. Couns in Counselling Psychology
- Dublin, Ireland
Doctor of Education
Full time
3 years
The intensive Counselling Psychology program provides professional training in Counselling Psychology and is accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland. The course emphasizes the scientist-practitioner model and research-informed practice. The scientist-practitioner model is fostered through research classes and work on the research dissertation.
University of Texas Arlington
Doctorate In Social Work
- Arlington, USA
Full time, Part time
3 years
In the 48-credit-hour program, students are prepared for positions in academia where they can teach and, most importantly, continue advancing research in the social work field. The curriculum focuses on research, statistical analysis, and theory and emphasizes a strong.
International University For Graduate Studies - IUGS
Doctorate in Social Work
- Portsmouth, Dominica
Part time
The primary mission of the educational programmes in Social Work is consistent with the mission of the profession: to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.
University of Brighton- Doctoral College
Centre of Resilience for Social Justice
- Brighton, United Kingdom
Full time, Part time
Working directly through our social enterprise and network, which is known as 'Boingboing', the Centre of Resilience for Social Justice tackles disadvantage and brings genuine change to people's lives around the world.
Saint Paul University
Ph.D. in Social Innovation
- Ottawa, Canada
Full time
6 years
English, French
The School of Social Innovation of the Faculty of Human Sciences at Saint Paul University offers a Ph.D. in Social Innovation. The Ph.D. in Social Innovation provides a space for research and reflection aimed at understanding the dynamics and multiple impacts of social innovations, in order to assess and structure them more efficiently.
University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work
PhD in Social Work
- Pittsburgh, USA
We are committed to training the next generation of scholars in social work, whose research will inform policy and practice addressing society’s most pressing problems.
Point Park University Online
Department of Community Engagement Low-Residency Community Engagement Degree, Ph.D. in Community Engagement
- Online
Full time, Part time
3 years
Distance Learning
Point Park University's low-residency doctorate in community engagement is a unique social lab designed for working professionals who want to improve their effectiveness as leaders while gaining a broad understanding of public policy, program development, community psychology, and best practices in leadership and engagement.
Indiana University
Ph.D. Program in Social Work
- Bloomington, USA
The Ph.D. Program in Social Work provides the foundation for a career in research through coursework exploring epistemological, methodological, practical and ethical issues related to the way research is conducted and used in applied settings. The Doctor of Philosophy program is offered on the following Indiana University campus.
University of Wisconsin-Madison Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work
Ph.D. in Social Welfare
- Madison, USA
The doctoral program in social welfare strives to develop scholars, leaders, and social work educators who will advance knowledge about social work, social welfare policy, and intervention strategies from a behavioral and social science perspective to improve the quality of life of individuals, families, groups, communities, and organizations. The program has a strong reputation for academic excellence.
University of South Carolina College of Social Work
Ph.D. in Social Work
- Columbia, USA
Earning a Ph.D. in social work at the University of South Carolina will prepare you to provide leadership for social change by conducting transdisciplinary, community-engaged research into key issues and educating the next generation of social workers. The College of Social Work’s Ph.D. program is a rigorous program that combines two and one-half years of coursework with transdisciplinary scholarship.
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PHD Programs in Social Sciences Social Work
Social work is a career field that focuses on providing help and support to those in need. After completing a program or course, professional social workers may have the education necessary to develop community programs, provide counseling and legal support for families, or advocate for children’s rights during divorce and custody cases.