PhD in Economic and Organizational Sociology
Lisbon, Portugal
3 Years
Full time
03 Feb 2025
Sep 2025
EUR 4,000 / per year
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The Ph.D. Economic and Organizational Sociology was established by the Technical University of Lisbon in 1991 and adapted to the European Higher Education Area in 2009. This 3rd cycle course aims to provide high-quality academic training in economic and organizational sociology and produce original research in this field. The course is taught in scientific partnership with the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS/UL) and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon (FCSH/UNL).
Host centers
The research undertaken in ISEG’s research centers provides important support for students in Ph.D. programs.
For the Ph.D. Economic and Organizational Sociology the main host research center is SOCIUS – Research Centre in Economic and Organizational Sociology (Centro de Investigação em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações). SOCIUS is a research unit accredited by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) which, since 1999, has been classified as “Excellent” under the Foundation’s Pluri-annual Program for the Funding of Research and Development Units. Its principal area of scientific activity, economic and organizational sociology, is considered in its broadest sense, favoring the numerous points of contact between contemporary sociology and economics, besides other social sciences involved in the study of economic and organizational reality.
How is the course structured?
The Ph.D. Economic and Organizational Sociology is a three-year program in which students must obtain a total of 180 ECTS (credits), corresponding to three years of full-time work. It comprises:
1st year
- Advanced Training Seminars (40 ECTS)
- Research Seminars (20 ECTS)
2nd and 3rd years
- Dissertation (120 ECTS)
The purpose of the advanced training seminars will be to further knowledge in themes pertaining to the scientific area of economic and organizational sociology, as well as a research methodology. They will be given by teaching the staff of ISEG – SOCIUS and other research units –, besides teaching staff from other Portuguese and foreign universities. Some of these seminars consist of basic training modules, whilst others are thematic conferences indicated annually. Some seminars will take place at ICS/UL and FCSH/UNL.
The research seminar will serve to present and discuss individual doctoral projects. The doctoral students are expected to present the thesis project with which they applied for the Doctorate by the end of the second semester of the first academic year, and submit the results of the ongoing research once a year, in the course of the subsequent academic years.
Ideal Students
Who is the Ph.D. in Economic and Organizational Sociology for?
Anyone interested in obtaining advanced academic training and doing research with a view to working in jobs in the public sector, the private sector, or the non-profit sector, either in the international or national context. Ph.D. graduation will enable students to work in teaching and research posts, managerial and executive positions in organizations, consultancy, training, research projects, journalism, planning, development projects, public policy planning, and assessment, and social projects and policy.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.