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International Max Planck Research School on Cellular Biophysics PH.D. - International Max Planck Research School on Cellular Biophysics
International Max Planck Research School on Cellular Biophysics

PH.D. - International Max Planck Research School on Cellular Biophysics

3 up to 4 Years


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A new international and structured graduate program, located in the heart of an established research community and on a modern campus!

We want to understand how complex cellular architecture is created from individual molecular functions that act in concert.

The International Max Planck Research School on Cellular Biophysics (IMPRS-CBP) is an international doctoral training program hosted by the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics (MPIBP), Goethe University Frankfurt (GU), and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU).

Our program offers training in concepts and techniques to explore the structure, function, and interactions of macromolecules, the regulation of cellular processes at the molecular and genome-wide levels, as well as the development of methods to image and model these processes. In addition, the curriculum covers a wide array of transferable skills and includes multi-step career mentoring, specifically aimed at preparing our doctoral students for the challenges of a professional career on the global market, whether that be in academia, industry, or beyond.

We recruit new students annually. All students participate in a three-week introductory training bloc and in lab rotations. By visiting three different labs, each one for three weeks, our students have the chance to find the lab that best suits their interests. Throughout their time at our school, students have the opportunity to develop long-lasting professional networks in our research community.

We offer:

  • State-of-the-art equipment for research in the field of biophysics: Our participating institution's host facilities for cryo-EM, X-ray crystallography, NMR, mass spectrometry, and advanced light microscopy.
  • An interdisciplinary setup: researchers from structural biology, cellular biology, neurobiology, molecular biology, and computational biology work on our campus with close links to the medical school.
  • Excellent framework conditions: we provide fully-funded Ph.D. positions and assistance in all organizational matters
  • The opportunity to build lasting networks: about 30 highly committed principle investigators from the participating institutions constitute our faculty.
  • An attractive and livable region: Frankfurt/Main is an international science, finance, and cultural center.
  • A Ph.D. community: students are admitted once a year and jointly attend graduate courses.

Ideal Students


Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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About the School


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