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41 North Business School Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM), Istanbul-Cohort Program in partnership with
41 North Business School

Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM), Istanbul-Cohort Program in partnership with

Istanbul, Turkey

4 Years


Part time

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EUR 60,000 / per year



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The Doctorate of Business Administration offered by Grenoble Ecole de Management is a research-based doctoral degree that offers participants the opportunity to obtain the highest level, unique, and issue-driven qualifications in business.

This doctoral business degree is particularly focused on the management of technology, organizational change, and innovation. However, the program may also cover more traditional research topics in fields such as management, finance, marketing, and organizational behaviour.


The Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) program is divided into two stages:

Stage I – Training in Doctoral Research in Management Sciences:

Philosophy, Methods, and Tools (18 to 24 months)

DBA students start by learning methods and techniques for research design, data collection, and data analysis in order to conduct, analyze, author, and publish research that meets doctoral standards. Students complete a series of four to six research training workshops that are held in Grenoble and partner countries.

Between workshops, students prepare a detailed research thesis proposal, complete a pilot study, and perform individual research and research fieldwork under the direction of doctoral supervisors. In order to proceed to Stage II, students are required to produce three pieces of written work. These include:

  • An extended research proposal (1,500 to 4,000 words)
  • A comprehensive publishable literature review (5,000 to 20,000 words); and
  • A preliminary thesis (15,000 to 30,000 words).

Successful completion of Stage I leads to the awarding of the Certificate in Research in Management Sciences.

Stage II. Thesis (24 to 30 months of part-time study)

The DBA research and thesis portion of the program consists primarily of individual research under the supervision of a qualified professor who has an international reputation in technology management, business innovation, and organizational change management and provides a broad range of subject-area expertise.

The DBA thesis should exhibit substantial evidence of original scholarship that meets publishing standards and provides useful managerial recommendations.

DBA candidates are required to show their ability to conduct original investigations; test, apply and examine their own and others’ ideas; and understand the relationship between their themes and wider fields of knowledge.

Candidates may be required to identify current issues and apply relevant theories for problem-solving.


Each DBA candidate is assigned to and supervised by a research-active professor from Grenoble Ecole de Management or a partner institution.

DBA Impact

Since 1993, our DBA research program has been actively connecting businesses and academic communities in order to enact change and promote progress through original and rigorous research.

Our DBA students’ research influences managerial and organizational milieus at the highest level. Each student’s thesis includes a chapter dedicated to the managerial implications of their doctoral research and offers relevant recommendations for organizations to overcome key challenges.

DBA students and graduates are encouraged to share their results and findings with the widest possible audience in order to inform and engage with their peers, organizations, and communities.

With a strong focus on dissemination to business and academic audiences, the combination of relevance and rigor in our DBA research supports our reputation in the management of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

About the School


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