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Best Universities for PHD Programs in Slovakia 2025

Number of institutions: 5
    • Košice, Slovakia

    Founded in 1963, the Faculty of Science, has educated over 6 000 graduates of both, joint and single degree study. Currently, over 350 Bachelor’s, Masters’s, and Doctoral students graduate each year in disciplines that impact lives today and will shape our future.

    • Žilina, Slovakia

    This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...

    • Košice, Slovakia

    The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice is the only institution in the Slovak Republic offering higher education in the veterinary field. It has been providing the veterinary education in English for 25 years. Nowadays

    • Bratislava, Slovakia

    The Faculty of Architecture and Design is part of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava as a top establishment with educational, scientific, artistic, and project activities in the field of architecture, urbanism, and design. It was founded in 1947, and since then, it is based on the most talented Slovak architects and designers.

    • Bratislava, Slovakia

    The Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences is the accredited external educational institution for postgraduate doctoral studies in the study program “Applied informatics” 9.2.9 (the agreement with FIIT STU). As part of the study program, students will be involved in research in the area of artificial intelligence, data science, deep learning, deep neural networks, speech recognition, natural language processing, and more. Among the other research activities of the institute belong also swarm robotics, bio-inspired optimization methods and algorithms, computer vision and signal processing.